Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Surname Study

This is my current last name, and I was always told that my last name was German. Which would make sense, because my family is predominantly German. I had heard that it was also similar to Cohen, which was Hebrew for priest. Public Profiler says that Kohn is Jewish in origin, and that it comes from the Hebrew language, so I guess that my family did have the story straight. It was interesting to find that it was most popular in the following countries:

- Luxembourg
- Germany
- United States
- Austria
- Australia

Interestingly enough, Germany was not the top country, but on the top cities list, most of them were German. Two New-Zealand regions showed up on the top five list of regions.

This is my fiance, Peter's last name. His family is mostly Swedish, but Public Profiler states that this surname is Celtic, and comes from the Irish language. I found it interesting that although his last name is Irish(English), and mine is Hebrew, they share 2 out of the 5 most popular countries. The most popular countries for the last name, O'Neill are:

- Australia
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- New-Zealand
- Luxembourg

All of the top cities are in the United Kingdom, and the top regions are all in New-Zealand and the United Kingdom.

I think that the connections between my current last name and my future last name are interesting and fun! I think that someday I would like to create a detailed family tree to find out when my ancestors came over from Europe. I think that if I was able to graph some of that information, it would be interesting to see.

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